Late Withdrawal Fee Payment

ATTENTION: Only submit this late withdrawal fee payment if you have already been granted an approved exception to the course withdrawal deadline by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or the Graduate Dean's Office.

Once an approved exception to the course withdrawal deadline has been granted by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or the Graduate Dean's Office, and you have received an email confirming the approval, the Registrar's Office can process your late withdrawal for a transaction fee of $20.

Late drops will result in a grade of "W".

After you submit your payment, your request will be sent to the Registrar's Office for processing. You will receive a confirmation email once your credit card has been charged. If your petition cannot be processed for some reason, you will be contacted via email. 

Note: If you were approved to late withdraw from more than one class, you will need to submit a separate $20 late withdrawal payment for each class

Stock number:

Late Withdrawal

